新开户即送39元体验金:学术讲座——The new X-ray image of halogen bonds
发布时间:2024-07-31 浏览次数:0
报告人:Ulli Englert 教授
A halogen bond (XB) is a short contactbetween a Lewis base (XB acceptor) and an electrophilic region of a heavyhalogen atom (XB donor); this electrophilic region is commonly referred to asthe sigma hole. In the early days of XBs, X-ray diffraction has madegroundbreaking contributions by identifying such contacts and establishingtheir geometry. Our best diffraction experiments can do better: X-rays interactwith electrons, and high resolution diffraction can provide a subatomic imageof the electron density. Such experiments allow to test the theoretical modelfor XBs, gauge their strength and explain bond activation in XB donormolecules.
Ulli Englert has studied Chemistry inTübingen, Germany and Pisa, Italy. He has been teaching at RWTH AachenUniversity, Germany until his retirement in May 2023. His favourite teachingconcerns symmetry and coordination chemistry; he has received teaching awardsfor both subjects. During his active time, Ulli has served as chair andvice-chair of the molecular crystallography group in the GermanCrystallographic Society. He has long-term links to China and in 2016 receivedthe "Excellent PhD Supervisor Award" of the Association of ChineseChemists and Chemical Engineers in Germany. At present he is working in ShanxiUniversity, Taiyuan in the context of the One Hundred-Talent Program of ShanxiProvince. Ulli has contributed to more than 500 publications in peer-reviewedjournals which have been cited ca. 12000 times.